Performance without equal An audio interconnection's resistance to noise is typically much less than that of the circuitry it is serving. In most cases, the devices used to connect components together "attract" noise by their very nature. Addressing the issue of environmental noise is an essential part of accurate musical reproduction, and is why we have adopted extraordinary measures to eliminate its effects altogether. Every PranaWire product has been engineered to produce the highest degree of signal integrity with the lowest possible noise. Careful attention has been given to every aspect of the cable's design and construction. Cable geometries were designed to maximize EMI and RFI rejection. Materials were selected that provide the greatest conduction, propagation velocity and stability. Shielding configurations and their terminations were invented to further reduce the influence of noise, and hundreds of hours were spent listening, improving and listening again. Whether selecting PranaWire's Cosmos with its 24 individual layers of insulating material or our flagship Avatar with its fine silver core and 51 drain point quad copper encapsulation shield, you can be certain that every detail has been meticulously engineered, tested and executed. Signal unaltered by interconnection from source to ear PranaWire unmasks the finest musical details, provides life-like focus and allows energy delivery without equal. It is the finest cable available.
was a panoramic airy soundstage with seemingly limitless depth. It was
spectacular! I have rarely if ever heard such a combination of musicality
and resolution. String tone was perfect. The entire presentation was perhaps
the most realistic portrayal of an orchestral performance I have ever
PranaWires are without question the most musically expressive cables I've
ever had in my own system. Their sonic achievement represents a degree
of performance I would not have thought obtainable through the installation
of "mere" cables." email |