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The promise of Single Driver technology delivered at last!
Utilizing Fostex drivers from Japan, all of the Cain & Cain speakers are an easy load to drive. While designed with single ended triode amplifiers in mind, all models will perform well with higher- powered solid state amplifiers. Terry views building a loudspeaker as akin to building a musical instrument. He eschews the use of MDF and fiberboard in favor of solid wood baffles. To quote him directly in reference to the Abby Loudspeaker: "Single driven speaker systems when properly set up and fed a nice clean watt or two can provide musical enjoyment far beyond what multi-way speakers are capable of. These speakers do not WOW you with what they are capable of . They will WOW you with what the musician is capable of.
The all wooden front of the cabinet is designed to aid in low level resolution. In an industry devoted to utilizing "the latest materials" we have actually lost touch with what solid wood can do for sound reproduction. All solid woods exhibit a sonic signature that influences the sound of associated equipment. The Alder wood fronts … were chosen for light weight and extreme rigidity as well as reflectivity. And of course forest sustainability and availability. Using solid Alder wood adds to a "lively" sound that will find appreciation in acoustical music particularly. The low level decay of notes of strings and percussion tend to become easier for the ear to track and ambiance from the recorded venue can now be further appreciated easily. Being solid wood, minor imperfections in the wood such as pin knots and color changes appear and contribute to a "natural" and pleasing look.
Finishing is done in our new state of the art finishing room." The Studio Series are true rear horn-loaded designs. The Abby is a ported, modified Voight pipe. All Cain & Cain speakers can be characterized as being extremely coherent, devoid of any "honking" or horn resonance common to most horn-loaded designs and as providing full and ample representation in both the bass and high frequencies - something very difficult to achieve with one driver (super-tweeter notwithstanding). It is our opinion that Cain & Cain has, at long last, delivered on the promise of single-driver, full-range design. The
ABBY......$1500 - ported, modified Voight
pipe with 166mm. Fostex FE 166e driver ......natural alderwood The
ABBY Nearfield,
small-room version......$1500 - ported, modified Voight pipe with 165mm.
Fostex FF-165K driver Single
Horn BEN......$5500
Please contact us to arrange an audition::
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